Saturday, January 30, 2010
Stoop Learning
What a great website. It has tons of videos from C-SPAN, and it is very easy to find anything you may be interested in. Just today, I watched Justice Scalia debating Jusice Breyer on judicial philosophy; Robert Caro lecturing on urban planning; and Pete Hamill opining on all things Brooklyn from the Brooklyn Public Library.
Check it out.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Eric (The Extra Point) Holder
The Obama administration is considering several steps that would review the legality of the controversial Bowl Championship Series, the Justice Department said in a letter Friday to a senator who had asked for an antitrust review.
Awesome. The Justice Department must have a lot of free time on its hands if its investigating the college football bowl system. What's next, a Justice Department lawsuit attempting to set aside the Saints win over the Vikings because the NFL overtime rules are unfair to the team that loses the coin flip?
If the Justice Department wants to meddle with college football, here is Baldman's suggestion:
Bring an eminent domain proceeding against Joe Paterno's eyeglasses. The lenses on those things are so goddamn thick, the feds could use it for solar power to heat all of Western Pennsylvania.
Hold A Draft

Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Put Him In The Bathroom

It's All About Him
Ego Trippin' Out
132: The Number of Times Obama Refers to Himself in One Speech
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
The Progressive Presidency
But like Verne Troyer driving the lane against Mutombo, he should be rejected.
Heaven Is A Playground Part II
The past is never dead. It's not even past.- Faulkner
True story I will remember until I am senile:
It is the summer of 1979. The year the Pirates won the World Series. I am 13, Darryl Wheatley is 17. We play a game of stick ball, pitching in, upstairs in John Jay schoolyard.
Wheatley is up first. He decides that for each at bat, he will be a Pittsburgh Pirate, and as such, will mimic that Pirate's batting stance. He proceeds to hit line drive after line drive. He is batting lefty as Willie Stargell; mimicing Stargell's exaggerated windmill warm up swings. He is Dave Parker. He is Al Oliver. He goes through the whole goddamn lineup batting lefty, batting righty, and using a different stance for each at bat.
Since I can only get to bat when Wheatley makes an out, I grow very frustrated. The guy just keeps lashing line drives. Finally, I tell him I am going to move up several feet and pitch from a closer spot.
Darryl tells me it is OK for me to move up and pitch to him; but he had to warn me: when guys move the pitching mound up a few feet, he had been known to hit a line drive back thru the box directly into the guy's privates.
I swear to Christ, the very next pitch, no sooner than I let it go, it was rocketed back at me, like something launched from the Kennedy Space Center. The ball hit by Wheatley was a missile that landed at the speed of light right at my nut sack.
I screamed in pain; I looked at Wheatley, he was on the ground shaking with laughter.
To me, announcing that you are going to hit a guy in the nuts with a line drive and then making it come true on the next pitch is more impressive than Babe Ruth's called shot.
Only in John Jay Schoolyard, and only by Darryl Wheatley.
Left to Right, Left to Right....
RealClearPolitics - Video - Obama Uses Teleprompters During Speech ...
Monday, January 25, 2010
The Park Slope Version Of Carbon Offsets
Here is how it works: You use your private jet to travel around the world. As a result, your carbon footprint is bigger than Jerry Lewis' head was a few years ago. But you can offset your carbon footprint and remain in the good graces of the green movement by donating money to plant trees in a third world country. If you say it sounds like being forgiven by the Church after you deposit a lot of cake into the collection plate, you will not get any argument from Baldman.
In Park Slope, they have their own version of the carbon offset-with a slight twist. It goes like this: you donate money to Haitian earthquake relief, and you offset your contribution by not paying your West Indian nanny the money you owe her for working overtime.
But always remember that they care. They really care.
Week In Review
Scott Brown
He went behind enemy lines and drove a stake through the heart of Obama's dreadful health care plan. And did it in the most liberal state in the nation. And took Teddy's seat. I hope they give him Teddy's old Senate desk, its probably filled with empty vodka bottles & trust fund checks from Teddy's old man. I hear Brown does support health care for women trapped in a car in a lake after the drunk driver escapes and heads back to the party. That was something we all know Teddy did not support. I love that they brought Obama in to campaign for Coakley. The man is on such a losing streak, I hear they are remaking " Bronx Tale" & have offered Obama the part as "The Mush." I want to use in vitro fertilization/stem cell/test tube and whatever else science offers to have Scott Brown & Sarah Palin produce thousands of beautiful conservative children. My man Brian from Hoboken wants the following to play out: Iran takes American hostages. Iran refuses Obama's offer to reduce U.S. carbon emissions in exchange for the release of the hostages. Scott Brown runs for President against Obama, and wins in a Reagan-like romp. The hostages are then released at the moment Brown raises his right hand and is sworn into office. Fox could even do the split screen thing and show the simultaneous release and swear-in. Awesome.
Whose Your Daddy? John Edwards.
This lowlife finally admitted he fathered a kid out of wedlock at the same time he was trotting out the cancer-stricken wife during his presidential campaign and telling the world what a great husband/faher he is. The National Inquirer had this story for years, but the mainstream media admonished us that they won't pursue the story because it was Edwards' personal life. And then they went back to their main job: digging up dirt on the sex lives of Sarah Palin's underaged children. I love that Edwards had one of his lackey's claim that he was the father. And tried to get a doctor to fake the DNA report. Is it any surprise he was an ambulance chaser before he went into politics? Edwards is so slimy, he reminds me of a story about Roy Cohn. Cohn used to water ski in the Hudson River. Once, he asked someone to join him. The person replied, "How do you water ski in the Hudson, its so oily?" Cohn responded "How do you think it got that way?"
The Air Is Let Out Of Air America
The only regret I have is that before Air America declared bankruptcy, I should have engaged in a massive phony phone call campaign on their airwaves. It would have been real funny, and doubled the amount of listeners they had.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Stop This Man Before He Kills Again
Now who do you think has a better handle on Mathew's value, the Angels, or Minaya?
Buster Olney @ ESPN obtained an MLB scouting report on Mathews. Apparently, he is some triple threat. Check it out:
Matthews is a player to be avoided. Slow bat. Declining range. And above all else, a player who wants to be a regular and will be an unhappy distraction in your clubhouse when he's not in the lineup every day.Remember Moneyball, the great book by Michael Lewis on Oakland A's GM Billy Beane's unorthodox methods on building a baseball team? Whenever Beane wanted to dump a worthless player, he always knew that if every other GM wanted no part of the washed up player, he could always trade the guy to the Mets, because Met GM Steve Phillips was always willing to overpay for worthless goods.
I'm sure Beane has replaced Phillips with Minaya on his speed dial. Even Lenny Dykstra has picked more winners over the last two years than Minaya.
When will the Wilpon's learn?
Saturday, January 23, 2010
We Are Chum In The Water

The Justice Department has announced the release from Gitmo of a terrorist who conspired to bomb Los Angeles International Airport in the 2000 Millennium plot. Hassan Zumiri, who was part of an al-Qaeda affiliated terror cell in Montreal, has been repatriated to his native Algeria — a country so rife with terrorists that it was recently placed on the list of 14 countries whose travelers warrant enhanced screening at airports.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Trying To Be Helpful
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Does Rush Need More Space On The Dial?
Check out this explanation from Air America on why the business failed:
The very difficult economic environment has had a significant impact on Air America's business. This past year has seen a "perfect storm" in the media industry generally. National and local advertising revenues have fallen drastically, causing many media companies nationwide to fold or seek bankruptcy protection. From large to small, recent bankruptcies like Citadel Broadcasting and closures like that of the industry's long-time trade publication Radio and Records have signaled that these are very difficult and rapidly changing times.
I love it. These libs, they NEVER accept the blame/responsibility for anything-even their own business failures! Lets get this straight: according to Air America, they are filing for bankruptcy because there's a "perfect storm" of events killing the media industry? What a crock. They probably think that this so-called "perfect storm" was caused by global warming. But here is the real perfect storm that hit Air America: First they hired boring, condescending, self righteous, humorless, lecturing/hectoring hopelessly liberal radio hosts that NEVER connected with ANY audience. It was historically bad radio. Listening to Air America was more painful than being water boarded. In fact, if the CIA makes GITMO terrorists listen to Air America, I want the Justice Department to prosecute those unspeakably cruel CIA agents. Next, because it had no listeners, the only advertisers Air America could attract was for NAMBLA & some windmill manufacturer in Syracuse. I guess thinking that your advertising base would come from the "green jobs" industry that would come about with the Obamainist revolution wasn't the best business plan, right?
Bye bye Air America.
PS- I just yelled out my window and was able to communicate to more people than Air America reached all week.
Green With Envy

Check them out.
An Open Letter To *Some* Park Slope Parents
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Name That Team
Here are a couple of shots from the top of the key:
Great Names That Can't Be Used
The Brooklyn Kings-as in Kings County. How sweet it is, but Sacramento has it already.
The Brooklyn Warriors- from the classic Brooklyn movie. But Golden State beat us to it.
Names That Should Be Considered
The Brooklyn Bridge- Brooklyn's most famous symbol; a gateway to the world. Plus, the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel has no chance.
The Brooklyn Streets- everybody from Brooklyn comes from the streets.
The Brooklyn Dreams- its been a dream for more than half a century to bring a sports team to Brooklyn.
The Brooklyn Express- as in an Express train. Who wants to take a local?
The Brooklyn Jammers- has a nice tie-in with basketball.
The Brooklyn Shipbuilders- to honor the 70,000 people who worked around the clock to build Navy warships during WWII.
The Brooklyn Militia- the first battle of the Revolutionary War took place on the soil where the Brooklyn basketball team will play. The heavily out manned Maryland Militia battled the British long enough to allow George Washington and his troops to retreat across the East River to Manhattan. A nice way to honor their sacrifice.
The Brooklyn Boardwalk- Coney Island, baby.
The Brooklyn Brigade- has a nice ring to it.
The Brooklyn Zoo- in honor of the late/GREAT Brooklyn native Old Dirty Bastard.
The Brooklyn Bulldogs- tough sounding without sounding crazy like the Pit bulls.
The Brooklyn Accent- fuhgetaboudit. It will never happen.
The Brooklyn Stoop- Baldman can dream, right?
Scott Brown Baby!
A Republican winning in Massachusetts? The last time that happened, John Adams was a person, not a beer. What's next: the ACLU naming Dick Cheney its "Man of the Year"?
Brown ran a masterful campaign. He told the people he was running to drive a stake through the heart of Obama's socialized Health Care Plan. And the people responded-in historical waves.
You have to put Brown's win in perspective: 80% of Massachusetts voters are registered Democrats. The other 20% are dead Democrats that are allowed to vote from the grave. Plus you add in the illegal aliens that were registered by ACORN. As Brian from Hoboken says, ACORN is so desperate, it has resorted to actually registering acorns.
So Brown beat back all of that.
The fact that this was Ted Kennedy's Senate seat makes Brown's victory even sweeter.
If Teddy was alive, he would be so distraught, he would drive his car into a lake.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Booze & Babies: An Open Letter To (Some) Park Slope Parents
Consider this an open letter to these parents:
Dear Selfish, Obama Voting, Change We Can Believe In, Negligent Parents:
I know it sucks that the West Indian nanny (who hates your guts) that you severely underpay to raise your kids has the audacity to ask for one day off a week. Life is hard in that way, I know.
But for those 24 hrs. when the nanny is not teaching your kid the Queen's English, you actually have to be the child's parent. And I know the Guide To Progressive Parenting says you should do things with your kid-but somehow (I hope) I don't think they mean you should take the little tyke to a local bar while you are getting your booze bag on.
How selfish can you be? Don't you know people go to bars to specifically not interact with your kid? Its a place where adults gather-why do you think you never see Michael Jackson, Roman Polanski or R. Kelly at a bar?
Since its a place that adults gather, you will find language, behavior and situations that are not child appropriate-even a child as bright as your kid, and I know your kid is really smart, cause that is all you ever talk about.
So its a pretty bad deal all around, it sucks for adults, and it sucks for your kid.
Take the little bastard to a movie or the park.
Your kid should be eating jello, not jello shots.
Something is really wrong when your designated driver was born in 2008.
You need to do some soul-searching if you are more concerned about free- range chicken than raising a de-ranged child.
Call me crazy, but I think when a two year old knows all the lyrics to The Doors "Road House Blues" it is more of a sign of sh*tty parenting than child intelligence.
Now, if you feel really strongly about permitting under-aged kids in bars, don't worry, time will fly by and before you know it, your little bundle of joy will soon be the teenager sneaking behind your back and drinking in the same bar where you currently give him a video game to keep him busy while you get your load on.
Or, if you are the real progressive type, your soon to be teenager won't have to sneak behind your back; I'm sure you will be sharing your pot with the future stoner.
But until that time, put down the blackberry, as well as the blackberry brandy, and take the kid out of the bar.
Oh, one last thing: If you change your kid's diaper on a table in a bar, you should be found guilty of a hate crime.
Complaint Box Baby Barflies
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Questions You May Want To Ask.....
As far as disaster relief, a baseline question to ask an organization would be: "What history does it have in quickly converting cash into goods & services?" With the Haitian earthquake, every charity I have seen sells itself by stating the money is going to be used IMMEDIATELY to bring Haiti much needed medical/food supplies etc. But if an organization has no history of providing emergency services, do you really think they are equipped to provide immediate relief to a country that needs it as much as Haiti? Do you want that charity to learn by trial & error, literally on your dime? Or, is your cash better off going to charity organizations that have a history of providing emergency services all over the globe? Just some relevant questions worth asking.....
Another thing you should know is that charities that ask you to donate via a text message do not immediately receive the cash, they get it when you pay your phone bill. It could be 30 days before they even get the cash, and then begin the conversion to goods and services process. And then the delivery of goods. Just know that for some organizations immediate means more than a month from now, while for others, it means within days.....
Other relevant questions can be answered from using the Woodward/Bernstein method: follow the money.
How much of the money collected actually goes to those in need? How much goes for administrative costs? Are there any dubious accounting methods?
What a charity has done in the recent past is the best indicator on how it will use your cash when it comes to Haitian relief....
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Wake Up Everybody
When he left the group to go solo, seeing Harold Melvin & The Blue Notes without Pendergrass is like going to see the Cleveland Cavs after Lebron moves on to the Brooklyn Nets.
But people went to the concerts, and some had to be disappointed.
Big lesson: because a lot of the great old -time r & b groups have undergone lineup changes, you have to read the small print. You might think you are seeing Gladys Knight & The Pips, but the marquee may say "Gladys Knight & Her Pops". The Four Tops may show up with three guys. The Temptations have had more lineup changes than the 2009 Mets. The O'Jays could have a white guy sing the lead on "Backstabbers". And on & on.
Sometimes the real group you want to see is led by the former lead singer who doesn't have the legal right to use the old group name. Case in point, the great Russell Thompkins Jr. used to be the lead singer of the Stylistics. Legally, he can't use "The Stylistics" name, so he tours as "Russell Thompkins Jr. & the New Stylistics".
Know what you are getting.
Friday, January 15, 2010
His Songs Will Always Be Played On The Stoop
Imagine you are a famous singer, and you've sold millions of records. Imagine further that at age 31, you are in a car accident that leaves you paralyzed from the chest down. Would you have the courage to make your first public singing appearance since the accident in front of 90,000 fans @ JFK Stadium in Philly, plus a billion or so watching the famous Live Aid Concert on television? The great Teddy Pendergrass, who passed away Wednesday, had that type of courage. Watch the incredibly moving performance below. | |
Ashford & Simpson with Teddy Pendergrass Live Aid July 13th, 1985 | |
© 2009 YouTube, LLC 901 Cherry Ave, San Bruno, CA 94066 |
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Heaven Has Its Sports Talk Host
If you listen to sports radio in New York and don’t know Art Rust, your radio should be taken away from you.
Art Rust was a pioneer. A radio original. From the late 1970’s through the early 80’s, his voice was the only one on the dial talking sports.
He wasn’t loud, or disrespectful or antagonistic. He wasn’t a know it all who belittled his callers. He was a gentleman of the airwaves. He treated his audience with dignity and respect. In that way, he was the anti-Francesa.
Baldman was a beneficiary of Art Rust’s kindness many times as a caller to his show. He never big-timed the teenage Baldman, never was dismissive or impatient. Many times a caller would be in mid- comment and Rust would apologize because they needed to break for a commercial, and Rust would ask the caller: “Could you please hold on and finish that thought after the commercial?” Does that ever happen today?
Like all of us, he liked some sports more than others. His twin passions: baseball & boxing. He adored Joe Louis. He was at his best when a big fight was approaching.
From my view on the Stoop, Art Rust Jr. was like an All Pro fullback; he created holes for the modern day sports talk show hosts to run through.
He was a prince of the airwaves, and he is gone @ age 82.
Learn More
Danticat is a Haitian-American author who moved to Brooklyn from Port-au-Prince @ age 12.
On one level, its a story about a very common immigrant experience: parents coming to America to start a better life, and while they set up shop in America, their children are raised in the old country by close relatives. When the parents are settled, the kids make the move to America.
The sacrifices made, & the bonding of the extended family are all on display, described by the author in an understated manner. Its a very effective writing style.
At its heart, Brother, I'm Dying is the story of two brothers: Danticat's father & uncle.
When Danticat was four, her parents moved to America. For the next eight years, she was raised by her uncle. Her uncle was an amazing man. He built his own church in Haiti, and did so among the unspeakable violence perpetrated by gangs-putting his own life on the line countless times.
Don't want to give away too many plot lines, so just know that Brother I'm Dying is a fascinating glimpse into pre- earthquake Haiti: the unspeakable level of poverty & unrelenting violence stand side by side with the amazing courage & dedication to family & community that is a common trait of the Haitian people.
Brother, I'm Dying is a worthy read and available everywhere.
Too Much To Bear
Today, just prayers for the people of Haiti.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
New Jersey Goes To Pot
Legalize it and i will advertise it -Peter Tosh
New Jersey just passed a medical marijuana law. The next agenda item for the NJ State Legislature is to impose a huge tax increase on all food classified by the Food & Drug Administration as "munchies."
The smoke that you typically see in Jersey when you look from Manhattan is taking on a whole new meaning.
The NJ Supreme Court has decided that the medical marijuana law is legal. They are calling it a "spliff decision."
The Apple & The Tree
Gov. Paterson's son arrested with stolen credit card - The Hill's ...
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Complections & Inflections
Who knew that back in the day, Harry Reid was a writer for Saturday Night Live? | |
© 2009 YouTube, LLC 901 Cherry Ave, San Bruno, CA 94066 |
The Chart Will Tell You
chart provided by The Right Coast
Monday, January 11, 2010
The Chilling Effect Of Collective Bargaining
At a time when libraries in NYC are closing down on certain days and lowering the number of open hours on other days, the NYT's has a story (link at the bottom) on a little known provision of union rules @ the NYC public libraries: if the temperature goes below 68 degrees in a library, the union workers get comp time or paid leave to be paid in the future. In Brooklyn, in some circumstances, library workers are even sent home-with pay of course.
Key quote:
Under a little-known contract provision titled “Extreme Temperature Procedures,” unionized workers at branches of the New York Public Library can accrue compensatory time when the temperature inside dips below 68 degrees for a couple of hours. Similar clauses exist for libraries across the city.
What a crock. Have you ever heard of such a thing in the real world? Of course not. But in the world of collective bargaining, this stuff happens all the time.
Who knew that when I cracked a window open in a library, it resulted in 10 library employees getting two additional weeks in paid vacation?
But truth be known, I don't blame the unions; I blame the city.
How can the Bloomberg Administration official in charge of negotiating with the library workers union not make it a priority to get rid of this insane contract provision? Did he even bother to read the contract?
Does anyone believe that the employees that work for Mayor Bloomberg's private business get to go home with pay when the office temperature dips below 68 degrees? Don't be silly.
Milton Friedman was right: when we spend other people's money, we are not nearly as careful as when we spend out own cash.
The Bloomberg official who allowed this to be in the contract is probably the same guy who clips coupons and spends hours in the supermarket to ensure that he gets the best deal.
Remember, this country was founded on a tax revolt.
But do you ever get the sense that anyone in government treats our tax dollars with the care it deserves?
In New York City, a Chilly Library Has Its Rewards
And I Thought He Was Aganist Alan Keyes For Political Reasons
"When someone like Reid can insinuate that one group of Americans has a substandard dialect in comparison to the rest of the country, that’s alarming and, frankly, disturbing. This isn’t a Republican or Democrat issue, it’s an American issue, and much broader than being about President Obama. When I first heard the statements, I wondered: What exactly is a ‘Negro’ dialect? Anyone looking at this ought to ask that question. Obviously I’m black, but I’m still not sure what Reid’s talking about. And if the Democratic party is okay with this type of statement from their leadership, well, that speaks volumes.”
We Have To Be Like Iverson In The War On Terror

Saturday, January 9, 2010
Bill Clinton: First Black President?
"Recounting the conversation later to a friend, Teddy fumed that Clinton had said, A few years ago this guy would have been getting us coffee."
Is it really any surprise that Clinton said that? What do you expect from the man who as governor of Arkansas signed a law that made Robert E. Lee Day a state holiday?
Friday, January 8, 2010
Ike Started It
Up until December 29, 2009, Leach was the head football coach @ Texas Tech. James was a wide receiver on the team. Leach was fired after James' father, ESPN football announcer and ex college/NFL star Craig James, complained to Tech officials that after his son suffered a mild concussion, Leach banished him to an electrical closet while the rest of the team practiced. Texas Tech fired Leach one day before he was to receive an $800,000 bonus.
I saw this so- called electrical closet. It is BIGGER than the average NYC apartment. You can fit a couple of cars in there, and there was an ice machine and football dummies-and by that I don't mean Dallas Cowboy fans.
So what is really happening here?
The other day I looked up Adam James' statistics. He had 17 catches for the whole season. 17 catches in an offense that throws the ball like crazy.
I think that is what's driving the bus here. Craig James is acting like a stage Mom here. He reportedly complained often to the coaching staff on how Adam was being used in the offense.
If Leach ordered Adam James into a so-called electrical closet before every game and James had 80 catches, do you really think any complaint would have been made?
Leach's firing is just the latest symptom of a large disease that ails America.
And what is that ailment? Its the pussification of America. Everybody has a grievance. Everybody wants to tell you how much their feelings are hurt. This whole country if filled with people who see themselves as perpetual victims.
And now that disease has caught on in football, and its almost too much to bear.
You see, football is one of the last bastions of bravery in America. You have to be tough to play football. Physically tough. Mentally tough. In ain't for the faint-hearted.
But the Leach firing is a huge cannon ball shot by the grievance police into the belly of traditional American football.
Leach didn't even put his hands on James! And he got canned. Because of the brutal nature of football, a coach often uses unique/innovative methods to motivate men in order to properly prepare them for what happens on a football field.
But with the pussification of America, pretty soon most football teams are going to be coached by the Dr. Phil's of the world.
Its already happening. When Craig James played for SMU more than 25 years ago, if a player missed a blocking assignment, he might have received a cattle prod to his privates. And now he complains cause his kid was sent to a room by himself. Wow.
Again, it's happening throughout society. Back in the day, Baldman was taught by nuns who had perfected the Deacon Jones head slap. Trust me, it was a good motivating tool. Nowadays, the only thing you can hit a kid with is praise.
I blame General Eisenhower for unintentionally starting the pussification movement in America. When he made Patton apologize for slapping a cowardly soldier, (see the video link below) it was the "Patient Zero" moment that began infecting America with this awful malady.
From Patton to Leach- Baldman sees a straight line.
It Will Be Different
Thursday, January 7, 2010
No Need 2 Go
Answer: Jet fans see the ball drop every time it's thrown to Braylon Edwards.
Know What's Going On
Check out the following exchange, which took place when the President met with the Congressional Hispanic Caucus:
(Nydia) Velázquez gripped Obama by both hands. “Mr. President, you have an opportunity, here in your hands, to shape the United States Supreme Court for years to come.”
Obama whispered into Velázquez’s ear and smiled. “I know—there’s a Puerto Rican woman.”
I love it. The President couldn't even recall her name, but he sure committed her ethnicity to memory.
When liberals tell you how important someone's nomination is because of their ethnicity, here is exactly what's going on:
They want to frame the issue in the following way: If you oppose the nomination, you are racist/prejudiced against that particular ethnic/racial group.
And they use that strategy because it works. It works in the same way that old question When did you stop beating your wife works.
Just know what's going on. And know they are full of sh*t.
Why does Baldman say that?
Just look what happened when Baby Bush nominated Miguel Estrada to the DC Court of Appeals.
The same people who lectured us on how important Sotomayor's nomination was led the charge to kill Estrada's nomination.
And the methods they used to kill Estrada's nomination were historic; the libs filibustered it in the Senate. Never before had the filibuster been used to kill an Appellate Court nominee. But it was used against Estrada. And as a result, the man did not even get a chance to have the full Senate-a majority of which supported his nomination- vote on his nomination.
Big lessons we have learned on the Stoop: (1) ideology always trumps ethnicity; and (2) when we are lectured/pressured on how important a nomination is because of the nominee's ethnic/racial background, always remember what these same people did to Miguel Estrada.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
All Bark, & No Bite
“I will accept that intelligence by its nature is imperfect, but it is increasingly clear that intelligence was not fully analyzed or fully leveraged,” Mr. Obama said. “That’s not acceptable, and I will not tolerate it.”
Typical Obama, where the words never meet the deeds. He's not going to tolerate it? Every person he appointed to Homeland Security failed here. Every one. And not one of them has been fired or demoted. So how exactly is Obama not tolerating their failure?
The father of the terrorist read the signals correctly and told Obama's people that his son would bring harm to the U.S. And those people did nothing with that info. And those people have suffered no consequences for their monumental failure.
But its good to know that it won't be tolerated.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
The Terminator
JUSTICE GINSBURG: Yes, the ruling about that surprised me. [Harris v. McRae — in 1980 the court upheld the Hyde Amendment, which forbids the use of Medicaid for abortions.] Frankly I had thought that at the time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don’t want to have too many of.
Populations we don't want too many of? Concerns about population growth? Who is she looking to get rid of? It seems that Baby Ruth missed her first calling-as an exterminator.
Abortion has always been framed as an individual right, but Ruthie seems to think it is a collective right (notice the use of the term "we").
Ruthie let her guard down when she told the NYT Magazine her true thoughts on abortion.
And when you realize that those comments are coming from one of the most powerful person's in our government, and that person can hold power for life, it makes those comments very scary.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Hit The Bricks, Pal
Truth be known, I was down on Sheridan early in the season when he would wear a white NY Giant sweat suit on the sidelines. It looked like he raided the closet of Evil Knievel or Al Davis.
Make no mistake about it: the 2009 Giant defense was the worst Giant defense of Baldman's lifetime.
Hiring Sheridan to coach defense is like McGraw-Hill giving Tiger Woods a million dollar advance to write " The Joys of Monogamy".
Sheridan is so bad at defense, it wouldn't surprise me if he was the runner-up to Janet Napolitano to Head Homeland Security.
The man makes Ray Handley look like Vince Lombardi.
If Isiah Thomas was reincarnated as a football coach, he would come back as Bill Sheridan.
When you ask Sheridan about tackle, he thinks you are referring to fishing equipment.
The man's defensive game plans consisted of: (1) not rushing the passer; (2) not covering any receivers; and (3) acting as if offensive players carrying a football were lepers that needed to be avoided at all costs.
NBA teams give up less points than Sheridan's defense.
If Sheridan was ever arrested, he would undoubtedly be found guilty.
He would have no defense.
Good riddance.
Misplaced Priorities

Sunday, January 3, 2010
Obama Says Yes To Profiling
U.S. Intensifies Screening for Travelers From 14 Nations Citizens of 14 nations including Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and Nigeria who are flying to the United States will be subjected indefinitely to the intense screening at airports worldwide that was imposed in the aftermath of the Christmas Day bombing plot, Obama administration officials announced Sunday.
Obama must have read the copy of "National Security For Dummies" that I sent him for Christmas. Or perhaps he got hit in the head with a surfboard in Hawaii, and when the cobwebs cleared, he found his inner Dick Cheney. Whatever the reason, I applaud the move. But as my liberal friends always say when the feds increase spending on social programs by the billions: THIS IS ONLY A GOOD FIRST STEP. WE HAVE SO MUCH MORE TO DO IN THIS AREA.
For example, doesn't common sense dictate that if we are subjecting citizens of these 14 Nations to higher scrutiny when they fly to the United States, why doesn't this policy apply when they are flying within United States?
Give me some more change I can believe in.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Quick Jabs
Next topic: Did you see the story on how Gilbert Arenas & his teammate pulled guns out on each other? Its the first time Arenas has ever been known to pass up a shot. Arenas has always been known to be a gunner, but who knew he was really a gunner? But then again, the guy gets paid millions to be a shooting guard, so maybe this is not such a surprise.
Carlos Is Teaching You The Mambo?
Two quick observations from watching yesterday:
1) Norton's apartment. It's so god-damned modern when compared to Ralph's. It has state of the art appliances & furniture, cool wallpaper, & that unbelievable record player where you can make your own record like Ralph did when he apologized to Alice for yelling at her mother. All of this on a sewer worker's salary? Norton must have been taking bribes. If Norton's apartment was around today, it would be featured on MTV cribs.
2) If the Honeymooners were a new show with its premiere episodes shown in 2010, it never would have made it. It would be the focus of protests, and its advertisers would have been pressured to drop the show. Why? Well of course the show is smut-free, and they never even show you the Kramden's bedroom. But Ralph's threatening to send Alice to the moon every episode would have made liberal women's groups like NOW froth at the mouth. And Gleason did not have the proper liberal credentials to survive it. So while Charlie Sheen in real life can threaten women, and Chuck Schumer can go around calling women bitches, they are shielded by having the proper liberal views. But Gleason, they would have went after hard. Real hard. And somehow, I think he would have rather shut down the show than submit to demands for diversity training.