Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Raising Money
We should allow corporate sponsorships of Senate hearings. For example, for the Lady Kaga confirmation hearing, there should be a voice over stating "Elena Kagan's wardrobe provided by Today's Man."
They Go Gaga Over Kaga
Chris Farley: You remember when you were with the Beatles?
Paul McCartney: Yes.
Chris Farley: That was awesome.
I was reminded of this watching the Senate Democrats questioning Kagan during her/his confirmation hearings.
Schumer: Remember when you kicked the military off campus?
Kagan: Yeah.
Schumer: That was awesome.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Russian Error
Why Spy?
Why do they need to spy? Obama gives them everything they want already. They could have filled out a Freedom of Information Request for enriched uranium and Obama would have handed over the keys to the store.
A Shorter Trip
Everybody Jump In!
Shouts From The Stoop: In Praise of Public Pools
Monday, June 28, 2010
Call to Arms

The great G. Gordon Liddy was on Howard Stern a while back. (Howard is tight with Liddy, he even gets to call him "G.") Howard always tries to get Liddy to talk about the types of covert shit he was involved in. Once Howard asked Liddy how many guns he owns. Liddy's modest reply:
Bang Bang
But their dissents were for different reasons:
Stevens, said that when he first came on the Court 100 years ago, there were no handguns, so he would limit the 2nd Amendment to the right to own a musket in a log cabin.
Ginsburg said that the 2nd Amendment guarantees Americans the right to fire shots into the air in celebration at gay weddings.
The self-proclaimed wise one, Sotomayor got mixed up a little,- as usual- and said that the right to bear arms means citizens have a fundamental right to wear short-sleeved shirts. (Side note: she is also a huge Chicago Bares fan.)
And Breyer, bless his liberal heart, wanted to show that he is open-minded when it comes to the 2nd Amendment, and agreed with all three of his fellow dissenters, namely, you have the right to wear a short-sleeved shirt at a gay wedding held in a log cabin, and while on the premises, you can fire a musket into the air.
That's all.
The Slimes
When Strom Thurmond died, -who never was in the KKK by the way- the lead paragraph was "The slave-owning segregationist, black hater died today."
Check out this letter that Byrd wrote regarding integrating the military:
"I shall never fight in the armed forces with a Negro by my side... Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds."
— Robert C. Byrd, in a letter to Sen. Theodore Bilbo (D-MS)
Somehow that did not make it into the Slimes either.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Bye Bye Byrdie
Senator Robert C. Byrd, the longest-serving senator in United States history, is “seriously ill,” his office announced Sunday afternoon.
As soon as he dies, look for white sheet manufacturers in West Virginia to file for bankruptcy.
Teddy Will Have Company in Hell
We Know What She Will Do
But while Ms. Kagan’s biography may be clear, her judicial philosophy is not. She has never been a judge,..... experts said senators had few clues to her judicial philosophy, a subject that will be ripe for exploration when the hearings begin.
Her judicial philosophy is not clear? Let's connect the bread crumbs:
Raised on the Upper West Side
Parents were progressive/socialists communists
Went to Harvard
Wrote her thesis on Socialism in NYC during the 1930's (The paper was probably entitled "The Good Old Days")
Clerked for Thurgood Marshall
Press Secretary for liberal witch Liz Holtzman
Worked for Bill Clinton
Dean at Harvard
Threw the military off campus
Solicitor General for El- Comandante Obama
That is a real blank slate we are working off of- right? If you had to build a super liberal using stem cell research, you could not come up with the DNA to match Lady Kaga's resume.
OJ left less clues than Lady Kaga. And The Times expects people to believe that there are few clues to her judicial philosophy?
Saturday, June 26, 2010
The Band
The word from the Stoop is once the Cuban band cancelled, the Prospect Park organizers tried to book the North Korean Symphony to take its place.
Friday, June 25, 2010
One Year Later...
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Quote of the Day
As Stan Evans says, whatever liberals disapprove of, they want banned (smoking, guns, practicing Christianity, ROTC, the Pledge of Allegiance) and whatever they approve of, they make mandatory (abortion-on-demand, gay marriage, pornography, condom distribution in public schools, screenings of "An Inconvenient Truth").
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
The Thin-Skinned Presidency
General McChrystal's job was to kill people who want to kill you. And he was great at it. And he had to do it with a rules of engagement handbook written by ACLU lawyers. Never forget that this is a great man we are talking about.
Obama's sacking of McChrystal shows how petty and thin-skinned he really is. When you combine that with Obama's natural animus for the military-McChrytal did not have a chance.
It also is a strong indication on how insecure Obama really is. He knows he is in over his head. He knows that before 2008, he never held a job in his life before where he was in charge of ANYTHING. He wakes up every day hoping that he won't be found out.
And because he is so insecure he overcompensates by asserting authority in cases like this. We get it. He is the president. He can fire generals.
A confident president would laugh off a dopey article that appeared in an even dopier magazine. A confident president would look at McChrystal and ask: "Is he doing a good job?" A confident president puts the country's interests first.
But we have Obama-and we no longer have McChrystal.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Piece of Garbage
William Kunstler. If I had to make a list of the worst of the worst, the absolute bottom of the barrel, filthy, subversive, radical anti-American vermin who have lived during my lifetime, William Kunstler would be at the top of that list.
I mention this piece of shit because PBS is showing a documentary on Kunstler -made by his daughters -tonight at 10 pm.
Apparently his daughters are cut from the same filthy cloth. Check out his daughter in this week's New Yorker describing an interview Kunstler gave regarding the Black Panthers:
This piece of footage brought home to us what our father meant when he taught us that all white people are racist,” she said.
Speak for yourself honey.
Where a Loss is a Win
Times Have Changed
Consider Catfish Hunter. When the Yankees signed him as a free agent in 1975, he made 39 starts. He completed 30 of them. In fact, he was just 23 innings short of pitching every inning of every game he started that year.
Monday, June 21, 2010
A Victory
In a case pitting free speech against national security, the Supreme Court on Monday upheld a federal law that makes it a crime to provide “material support” to foreign terrorist organizations, even if the help takes the form of training for peacefully resolving conflicts.
The Court rejected the ACLU's position that since the Times Square Bomber used a solar powered car, the bombs that were in the car should not be admitted into evidence.
Border Wars
“The President didn’t say that and Senator Kyl knows it," White House communications director Dan Pfeiffer told ABC News. "There are more resources dedicated toward border security today than ever before, but, as the President has made clear, truly securing the border will require a comprehensive solution to our broken immigration system.”
Some thoughts:
1) I never ever want to hear the word "comprehensive" again from this cabal again. They say it more often than Ed McMahon said "Here's Johnny." Enough.
2) Why does "truly securing the border" require anything else than securing the border? Can you imagine if Bloomberg said that he would refuse to enforce assault & battery laws until the New York passed his no smoking in public places law? One has NOTHING to do with the other. In the words of Phil Leotardo, "It's apples & bowling balls."
Obama to Kyl: Fuck The Border
Arizona Senator Jon Kyl is one of the few people we can trust in government. Listen to him tell how he met with Obama to talk about securing the border and Obama's response: I will not do so until I get Amnesty for illegal aliens. He knows the border security is horrendous, he knows it's his obligation to secure it-and he is intentionally not performing his job as commandeer in chief.
What a disgraceful man.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Tie Them Up
Thursday, June 17, 2010
I See OJ.....
It was 16 years ago today that the whole nation was riveted by the OJ car chase. Remember how they preempted the Knick-Rocket NBA Finals to show it? Anyway, the best think to come out of the network coverage was the greatest prank phone call ever made. Of course, it was made by a Howard Stern fan calling Peter Jennings. Given the magnitude-the whole nation was watching-the fact that this guy got through and was able to pull it off was amazing. The call revealed: (1) the TV networks could give a shit about the accuracy of their sources; (2) Peter Jennings was a empty suit. The prankster made the call because he was mad that they cut away from the NBA Finals. In a matter of moments, he convinced ABC to put him on the air. To this day, the prankster has never attempted another phony phone call. He rightfully determined that he could never top the call below:
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Kagan Is Unfit For Service
Senator Sessions today kicked facts on Lady Kaga's disgraceful record of barring military recruiters from the Harvard Campus when she was Dean. It violated the law, and was particularly disgraceful at a time when we were/are fighting two wars. Sessions rightfully points out that while she shut the schoolhouse door to our military, she opened it wide to the Saudi Royal family which donated $20 to Harvard for Islamic studies under Kagan's watch. Now under Islamic law, homosexuality is punishable by death. And Kagan was fine with taking money from sponsors of that law. But our military-she had a moral objection to? "Don't Ask Don't Tell" she finds morally repugnant but taking cash to teach Sharia law is acceptable? The bottom line for Kagan and the rest of the extreme left is they will always find common ground in their distain for the military. Every whacked- out leftist group hates the military. And the "Don't Ask Don't Tell" barring from campus was just a pretext they used to mask the hostility they have for our people in uniform.
Here are some excerpts from Sessions excellent commentary followed by the video:
When Ms. Kagan became Dean in 2003 she inherited a policy of full, equal access for the military. But she reversed that policy in clear, open defiance of federal law.
She kicked the military out of the campus recruitment office as our troops at that very moment risked their lives in two wars overseas.
Some have recently attempted to defend Ms. Kagan’s conduct by arguing that she deigned to speak with student veterans, to discuss whether they would coordinate a sort of second-class system for the recruiters who had been coming on campus.
This all happened after she had defied the law and shut down those official channels of the campus recruiting office.
But the Harvard Student Veterans Association plainly expressed to Ms. Kagan, in a letter to the entire law school, that they lacked the resources to take the place of the campus office now closed to the military.
That letter reads in part:
“Given our tiny membership, meager budget, and lack of any office space, we possess neither the time nor the resources to routinely schedule campus rooms or advertise extensively for outside organizations, as is the norm for most recruiting events.”
But Ms. Kagan was unmoved. Instead of welcoming the military recruiters on campus, she punished them and relegated them to second-class status…
On the Saudi connection at Harvard:
Around the same time Ms. Kagan was campaigning to exclude military recruiters—citing what she saw as the evils of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell—Harvard University accepted $20 million from a member of the Saudi Royal family to establish a center for Islamic Studies in his honor.
A recent Obama State Department report concerning Saudi Arabia and Islamic Shari’a law noted that:
“Under Shari’a as interpreted in [Saudi Arabia] sexual activity between two persons of the same gender is punishable by death or flogging.”
Ms. Kagan was perfectly willing to obstruct the U.S. military—which has liberated countless Muslims from the hate and tyranny of Saddam Hussein and the Taliban.
But it seems she sat on the sidelines as Harvard created an Islamic Studies Center funded by—and dedicated to—foreign leaders presiding over a legal system that violates what would appear to be her position.
Random Shouts
To Support the Arizona immigration law, Dennis Miller is giving out tickets to Diamondback games to his radio callers....
Obama wants BP to put $20 billion into escrow. Does BP get to deduct the $4 million they gave to Obama from that amount?
One of the greatest things Reagan ever did that no one ever talks about was to fire the air traffic controllers....
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
It's Time For Weiner To Go
If someone asked me to play a modern version of the game, and list the three worst members of Congress, I would scribble the name "Anthony Weiner" three times.
And I know I'm not alone.
And the time has come to add him to the growing unemployment line-or let him become a census worker where he could do far less harm to the country.
And the guy to do it is Bob Turner, who is running against Weiner for the right to represent the people of the 9th Congressional District, which comprises working class neighborhoods in Brooklyn & Queens.
Turner is the anti-Weiner:
He is a retired businessman who has never ran for political office before. Like hundreds of other first time 2010 office seekers, he is motivated by a desire to rid the House of irresponsible representatives like Weiner, who are leading this country to economic ruin.
The massive spending, the federal takeover of private industries and the saddling of future generations of Americans with massive debt have all occurred because Congressman Weiner and his cabal have forced their agenda on an America that has told them loud and clear that they don't want it.
But did Weiner hear them? Of course not. He was too busy flying out to Hollywood yucking it up on Bill Maher.
Think about this: in less than 2 years, the federal government has grown by 30%. And if Weiner had his way-it would have been more. Much more. Because incredibly, the man is to the left of Obama. I say that because Weiner is on the record for saying that Obama Care-the biggest entitlement program since FDR-does not go far enough. Give Weiner a magic wand and we would have single payer health care. With the federal government making all of your medical decisions. No private insurance at all. And Weiner becoming a hero to the MSNBC crowd.
Remember I said Turner was the anti-Weiner? While Weiner wants to extend Obama Care, Turner wants to eliminate it root & branch. None of this nibble around the edges from Bob Turner.
And that is the type of politician that appeals to the Stoop.
Now I know you say getting a Republican elected in New York City is impossible.
But is it really? David Dinkins was such a colossal failure, the people of the New York have not elected a Democrat for mayor since 1989.
And when you look at Weiner's District, it covers neighborhoods like Howard Beach, Mill Basin & Marine Park. There's no Park Slope or Brooklyn Heights when you look at a map of the 9th District.
The voters in Weiner's district have much more in common with the typical Staten Island voter than say, the East Village "vote early & often" crowd that Weiner caters to.
Weiner is such a divisive figure, a couple of years ago a school teacher was on the ballot- and without even campaigning- he received nearly 40% of the vote.
So it could happen. And with anti-incumbent fever in the air, there is recent evidence that shows Weiner is feeling the heat.
Did you see that embarrassing stunt he pulled with a goat last Friday? He trotted out a goat and called a press conference to show that the government spends $ 1 million a year on goat mohair subsidies, and how wasteful that is, and of course he is against it, and that shows how careful he is with the taxpayer's money.
Think about what contempt and what low regard this man has for the intelligence of the people he was elected to serve. Weiner knows that the massive spending that this Congress has engaged in is resulting in blow back for liberal politicians nationwide. So he uses a farm animal in an attempt to hoodwink the voters into thinking that he is a fiscally prudent member of Congress?
What leadership that shows. A Congressman representing Brooklyn and Queens has taken a hard stance- against goat farmers. We may have to update John Kennedy's Profiles In Courage to include Weiner's brave fight.
If the libs could lose Ted Kennedy's seat, and Chris Christie could win in New Jersey, why can't New York force Anthony Weiner to get the first private sector job of his life?
Turner for Congress.
The Good Scout
Japan- they are known to attack the goal early, even before the game begins.
Germany-after beating a team, they go on to conquer other teams that are not even on their schedule.
France- has difficulty defending their own goal, and when the pressure is on, will ask for other teams to defend it for them.
Mexico- constantly goes over the line, with no regard for the rules.
Monday, June 14, 2010
No Winners, No Losers, & A Lot of Time Off.
Obama should order the Americans back home to work a 9-5 between games.
Same Old Story
Sunday, June 13, 2010
More Power...
WASHINGTON — President Obama for the first time will address the nation about the ongoing oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico on Tuesday night and outline his plans to legally force BP executives to create an escrow account reserving billions of dollars to compensate businesses and individuals if the company does not do so on its own, a senior administration official said on Sunday.
The president will use his legal authority to compel them,” said Robert Gibbs, the White House spokesman.
What legal authority would that be? Every time the President or the Congress does something, the first question has to be WHERE DO THEY GET THE AUTHORITY TO DO SO?
The powers they have are enumerated.
How can the president legally order BP to put a dime into escrow for victims? He ask ask them to do so, yell at them, threaten them-but by what authority can he order them?
Any person/entity that has suffered damages from the oil spill has the right to bring BP to court to address their claims.
How can the President circumvent this process?
The fact that the spill is monumental, historic and tragic does not mean that the powers of the executive branch are extended to compel companies to set aside billions of dollars by presidential proclamation.
Apparently, the Obama cabal/regime wants to model the fund on the 9/11 victims fund. But there is a huge difference. The 9/11 fund was mostly government funded, and its primary purpose was to compensate victims & to preserve the airline industry.
In the BP matter, it's just the opposite, they are not looking to preserve an industry-they want to destroy it.
Let's see Obama's rationalization.... which will be nationalization.
Friday, June 11, 2010
The World Cup: A Mango Tree Does Not Grow In Brooklyn
And then we tried it. We really tried it. And after three months the WHOLE Country said "NO". We threw all those lesson plans in the garbage. We just did not want to do it.
Every time someone tries to sell me on soccer, and how America is finally going to get with the rest of the world, I think back to the metric system fiasco.
It ain't happening folks. It ain't happening because it would have happened by now if it was gonna happen at all.
Nothing seems more forced than this enthusiasm that "some" people in America show for soccer.
As a whole, they are door to door salesmen, and America has shut its door in their face.
Get it away from me.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
There's a Thin Line Between...
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Stoop Flicks
We take the premise of that movie and apply it to Jersey as a whole. The whole state is like that public school: bloated, out of control with no discipline, skyrocketing taxes, and a dwindling job base. And then we have Christie take over like Joe Clark, taking on all the liberal special interests groups-especially the most powerful of them all-the Teacher's Union. I have the perfect guy to play Christie: James Gandolfini. He is Jersey to the core, and can channel Christie's appeal on the big screen.
Nothing To Celebrate
The headliner tonight is Norah Jones. I know the progressive thing to say is she is very talented and I have her on my Ipod when I go to the Food Coop-but the truth is she is garbage.
The Coney Island & Wingate Park concerts will be announced soon. The Stoop will compare and contrast those lineups with Prospect Park when it's announced.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Day 50
"I have not spoken to him directly," he told Lauer. "Here's the reason. Because my experience is, when you talk to a guy like a BP CEO, he's gonna say all the right things to me. I'm not interested in words. I'm interested in actions."
This was today-day 50 of the biggest environmental disaster in U.S. history. And the president of the United States still has not picked up the phone and talked to the BP CEO?
First, Lauer dropped the ball by stating Hayard's name in his question. If he asked him who the BP CEO was, Obama would have stammered like Ralph Kramden on the $99,000 Question trying to come up with the composer of "Swanee River". And that would have been that.
Next, what does Obama mean when he says "my experience is...."? This oil spill is an off the charts disaster. There is no similar experience in American history. So what does he mean that he knows through his experience that talking to the head of the COMPANY THAT CAUSED the disaster would not be helpful?
His experience in environmental cleanup consists of: (1) using paper towels to clean up after someone spilled a drink in Bill Ayers house; and (2) removing "Green" Czar Van Jones from the White House payroll.
Don't you think that Obama should have called Hayward to at least say: "Thanks for the $4 million you donated to my campaign, and oh yeah, if anyone asks, we can honestly say that we have talked since the spill."
Now to be fair, Obama has been a busy man since the poison was unleashed on the Gulf 50 days ago. Here is a partial list of people he has spoken in the last 50 days:
Derek Jeter
Marv Albert
Paul McCartney
He spoke to Jeter when he had the Yankees at the White House to celebrate their World Series win. To be fair, Obama asked Jeter his thoughts on BP, and Jeter said that batting practice is very important.
Bono told Obama that he knows how to stop the oil from spilling, but he will only provide the solution if the spill threatens Africa.
Obama was too busy giving McCartney an award for Bush-bashing to bring up BP , and his talk with Marv-WHILE THE OIL GUSHED-was about where the president wanted Lebron James to play next year. When Marv said that Lebron & Delonte West get along like oil & water nowadays, Obama said he did not want to talk about BP.
Clearly by now a pattern has emerged. The Obama presidency just can't stop anything or anybody. They can't stop the oil from gushing. They can't stop the flow of illegal aliens. And they can't stop the out of control deficit spending.
Asking Obama to stop any of the above would be like Doc Rivers asking Brian Scalabrine to stop Kobe.
By the way, we all know that if a Republican was President, by day 50 we already would have had Spike Lee-Michael Moore & Oliver Stone movies in the theaters and each would receive Oscar nominations.
Lee's movie: Bush purposely killed black people with Katrina, and next Republican President created the oil spill because he wanted black fishermen who survived Katrina to lose their livelihoods.
Moore's movie: He replaces the word "Haliburton" with "British Petroleum" from his previous movies and releases it as a sequel.
Stones movie: This never would have happened if Hugo Chavez was the U.S. President-and BP was involved in the JFK assassination.
There is one sure way to get Obama to get to use every available resource to stop this well from gushing-tell him the only copy of the health care bill is at the bottom of the ocean.
The man would move heaven & earth to save it.
Why They Are Mad
Monday, June 7, 2010
He's The One
Roman Catholic Canon Law requires bishops to submit their resignation to the pope once they reach age 75. The pope is free to accept or reject the resignation. When the great Cardinal O'Connor reached 75, he submitted his resignation to John Paul II. John Paul was asked if he would accept the resignation. The pope replied that he would never dream of replacing O'Connor-he wished he could appoint a John O'Connor in every Catholic Church throughout the world.
What John Paul felt about O'Connor is how Baldman feels about NJ governor Chris Christie: I wish we had a Chris Christie representing us in every elected office throughout this country.
Finally we have a politician who gets it. A man who understands that taxes and unions are out of control. That the spending has to stop. That you can't cut deals with liberals. That you fight-cause the fight is worth it. That you govern to do the right thing for the people. That you don't make nice with the liberal media-they are rats, and he knows it, so he brings his message directly to the people.
He is laying it all on the line in his fight with the Teacher's Union in New Jersey, and his message is resonating throughout the land.
He leads with his chin and his heart-and will not back down.
Check out how he breaks down the Teacher's Union & lets us know what they are really about: the accumulation of raw, unchecked power:
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Two More Are Coming....
Jose Lima
Gary Coleman
Dennis Hopper
Art Linkletter
Rue McClanahan
Ted Koppel's son
Will Nails It
This has to stop or we are doomed.
George Will
It's Over, KG
Saturday, June 5, 2010
The Greatest Has Passed
Grateful Red
Friday, June 4, 2010
Quote of the Day
There is something very odd about this. The executive is required under the constitution to execute the laws. We have laws about immigration. The government, by its own acknowledgment, has failed 10 million times to enforce it. (Since there are that many illegals in the United States.)
And now it says: We'll only enforce it if we get comprehensive reform, i.e., we are not going to enforce existing law until we get a change in the law or new law.
[But] you can't hold an existing law hostage — [hold up] enforcement of it — to a legislative agenda you have. You have to enforce the law.
I do not understand how they can say this with a straight face in a constitutional democracy. You have to enforce the law.
Horse's Ass
Mike & Chris need to get back together.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
No Class
What makes what McCartney said especially reprehensible is in his country they have all of these rules, protocols etc on how you address royalty, what you are allowed to say, when you are allowed to speak, how you are supposed to genuflect-all these faggy procedures based on royalty.
So he comes here in our version of royalty-the White House in an official U.S. ceremony- and we don't ask for much. You can call the President by his name. You don't have to bow down to our leader. You can shake his hand or give him a hug. And this guy goes and disrespects the office like he did?
Imagine if Paul Simon went to England to receive an award from the Queen and during his acceptance speech he said: "It's great to receive this award from this Queen-because the last Queen you guys had was a real cunt."
What do you think the reaction would have been?
"I learned from Mr. Torre how important batting practice is- and how important it is to represent the Yankee pinstripes."
Ringo Was The Smart One
Mr. McCartney returned to the microphone, thanking the Library of Congress and adding, “After the last eight years, it’s great to have a president who knows what a library is.”
That statement is proof that the man suffers from head trauma inflicted upon him by his ex-wife hitting him one too many times with her wooden leg.
Oh yeah, the Teleprompter man is really smart. He's so smart that he must be in the library looking up "how to stop an oil spill" in the library- but somehow he can't find any answers there.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
A Disgraceful Move
Did you ever think it would come to this? That the President of the United States would refuse to DENOUNCE an economic boycott of one of the states? He wants us to know that he is above it all? How can you be neutral when you are the President and people are calling for a boycott of a state?
Listen: it's a matter of public record that the Stoop is not fond of Obama-but I never thought he would stand by and give his tacit approval to an economic boycott that would hurt Americans. And that's what this is: approval. He even put the boycott into motion with his "walking while getting ice cream with the kids and the racist Arizona cops will come and shake you down" description of the Arizona law.
He thinks that because he is the President that he doesn't have to take a position? Think again. It's precisely because HE IS President that he must speak out against the boycott-and put down the ACORN playbook.
And what's this "I'm the President " talk all about? He has used this line several times recently: at West Point, at that fraudulent Health Care Summit with Congressional leaders, and at the press conference where he mentioned it above when talking about Arizona. Don't you think it's a sign of insecurity? If there is one man on earth that does not need to announce what he does for a living, it's the President of the United States.
Hey Obama-we know you are the President. You don't need to remind us. But you should do the right thing and the presidential thing: go down to Arizona and buy a cactus.