Monday, September 27, 2010
Monkey Business
Joe Girardi
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Quick Ones
Emerson Boozer.
Why does Lawrence Taylor play blackjack?
Because he does not like to hit on anything over 17.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
He Had To Take It
Take The Rap
A Head of His Time
Quote of the Day
“Christie is a guy who appeals to Reagan Democrats. We need more of that. He doesn’t look like a Hollywood star. He comes across like your neighbor down the street — smart and tough . . . He was a successful lawyer, a successful U.S. attorney, and he was elected governor in a blue state against a well-financed opponent.”
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Go Carl Go
Some excerpts:
On Son of Mario ignoring his request to debate:
I guess what I find most offensive, other than the arrogance towards the public by your lack of a public answer, is the idea that this is somehow your decision as you have some sense of entitlement based on being the son of Mario Cuomo, a governor who left our state economy in a wreck. I know. I remember trying to make a living in UpstateNew York while your father was governor.
On Son of Mario's Lack of Balls:
Frankly, i dont think you have the cojones to face me and the other candidates in a open debate. I dont think you have the cojones to answer direct questions regarding the mistakes you made at HUD in pushing a sub-prime mortgage scheme that costtaxpayers $2.4 trillion dollars and cost most New Yorkers the value of their 401-Ks. I dont think you have the cojones to answer questions about why you embracedethically-challenged Charlie Rangel while pledging to clean up corruption.
On Son of Mario Being A Pussy:
So Andrew, for the first time in your life be a man. Don't hide behind daddy's coattails
even though he pulled strings to advance your career every step of your way. Come out and debate like a man.
Our Fearless Leader
Monday, September 20, 2010
Fight The Power... What Power?
In New York City we have the Mayor, the City Council, the Comptroller the Public Advocate. They make up city government and are elected by the public.
The City Council passes legislation, the Mayor signs it into law and executes it, and the Comptroller audits the books.
In a nutshell, that's how it works.
And that leaves the Public Advocate.
What are the powers delegated to the Public Advocate?
None. Zero.
New York City Public Advocate Bill DeBlasio should be made to wear a Robert Parish jersey every time he walks into the office.
When I say the office has no power, I mean that literally.
It can't enforce any law or regulation.
It has no power to make budgets.
It cannot subpoena any city agency.
It cannot investigate city government.
It has no function; its very existence is a monument to liberal excess and how they really don't care about our tax dollars.
Now you may think that the Public Advocate has a function in city government because you always see the Public Advocate mentioned when something goes wrong in the city.
Last week, on election day, there was a big screw up with the electronic voting machines.
The Board of Elections fucked up big time.
So here comes the Public Advocate to the rescue.
Here is the New York Times on the actions Bill Deblasio took:
In a letter sent to board officials on Thursday, Mr. de Blasio identified several areas of concern, including specific data about the new electronic voting machines, the level of interagency coordination, the recruitment of poll workers, and voter privacy. He said he expected answers in two weeks so that remedies could be developed before the general election on Nov. 2.
Notice that Deblasio "expected" answers in two weeks. He did not demand them, or send a subpoena.
You or I could have written the same letter, and it would have the same legal effect.
The Board of Elections can choose to answer DeBlasio, or it could ignore the request.
He can't compel a response.
It is a ceremonial office with a liberal feel -good name: "Public Advocate".
And it should be abolished pronto.
What's Up, Baby Brother?
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Eye On Government

Saturday, September 18, 2010
Hubie & Jack
Friday, September 17, 2010
A-Fraud Goes Yard
One Hospital, One Year
But nowadays, it's infamous for something else: the number of anchor babies that are born there every year.
The numbers are stunning, and because Parkland is a public hospital, it's all paid for by the taxpayer.
As far as maternity wards go, Parkland might as well be Grand Central Station, it's so busy. Every year approximately 16,000 babies are delivered there. And out of that 16,000, 70% are delivered by mothers who are illegal immigrants.
That comes to 11,200 babies a year.
That number is mind-numbing.
We are talking about just one hospital, in just one year.
This hospital is like Woodstock for illegal aliens, they come from near and far so that they can have a baby in the U.S. that-- just by being born in America-- will be granted full citizenship.
Think about that. Think about the crazy incentives we provide to illegal aliens: yes, you are breaking the law by being here, but if you happen to hatch a kid while breaking the law, that kid is a citizen.
The Anchor baby policy has to be rolled back. The new law should be called the "Fruit of the Poisonous Illegal Alien Act". It would be a law only one sentence long: "All children born on U.S. soil to illegal aliens are also illegal aliens."
And when President Christie signs it into law, I want him to open an INS Detention Center right next to the Maternity Ward at Parkland Public Hospital.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
And Now, The End Is Near.....
The man is paid $20 million dollars a year. What he did is what little league coaches tell the worst kid on the team to do: "Go up there and bunt and if you can't even do that right, pretend that you got hit by the pitch."
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Swing Away
When you examine Son of Mario's record, you will see that claiming he is a mainstream practical moderate is like looking at the back of Luis Castillo's baseball card and saying, "I think he's going to hit 40 home runs next year."
The man is a left-wing wrecking ball.
He got his start in the family business--politics-- by being his father's left hand man and chief advisor as Mario ran this state into the ground. Then his pappy sent him downstate to work for the most inept Mayor in the history of New York-David Dinkins. And if that wasn't enough, once his pappy agreed to not run against Bill Clinton, the president thanked Mario by naming Son of Mario the head of HUD, where his fingerprints are all over the sub prime mortgage mess since he implemented the federal government's policy to "encourage" banks to make loans to people who had no business receiving them. Moreover, as HUD Secretary, he remade Fannie & Freddie into the mess that has devastated this country.
So Son of Mario is that rare breed of liberal; a triple threat that has been able to implement ruinous liberal policies at the local, state and federal levels.
And we are going to reward this political hack with the governorship?
Take off the gloves, Carl Paladino.
And swing away.
Not As Bad
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
A Pleasure To Root For
He is 35, and just breaking through in the big leagues.
He's a born- again Christian with a wife and three kids who visits firehouses and VA Hospitals on his days off.
He rightfully called out the three amigos, Beltran-Castillo & Perez for not showing up at Walter Reed.
He gets it. And all Met fans love him.
From George Vecsey's column:
My last question was about his critical comments when Carlos Beltran, Oliver Perez and Luis Castillo skipped the visit to Walter Reed.
I don’t want to be too hard on those guys,” he said, “but at the same time I wanted to concentrate on what it meant for me, how grateful I was,” he said, meaning toward soldiers who had sacrificed their health.
On a team that has grievously lacked leadership Dickey’s voice was welcome.
“I’m a 35-year-old man with three kids, so I feel like what I say with a pure heart, I don’t have to apologize for it,” Dickey said.
Sports of The Times - R.A. Dickey's Continuing Journey Leads to ...
The No Confidence Man
Sanchez is like Obamacare: the more you find out about it, the more fucked up it is.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Look At The Root Cause
"Football has such a lucrative scholarship that when parents talk to their kids about going to school, they talk about one thing, and that's playing football," Aaron said. "You had kids like Bo Jackson and Deion Sanders, who could've been excellent baseball players, but they had to go to school on football scholarships and play two sports. In the long run, it's not going to work, especially for baseball."
Hammerin' Hank swings and misses at the major cause of the decline.
Baseball is the ultimate father & son sport. Playing catch with your father is how millions of American kids have been introduced to baseball.
And it has been that way for generations.
But the sad fact of the matter is this: 74% of black children are born out of wedlock.
And that leads to a lot of fathers not playing catch with their sons.
Which results in not nearly as many black children develop a bond with baseball like when Aaron was growing up.
And if you don't develop an interest in baseball early, it is very hard to pick it up later.
Admittedly, out of all the problems that can be traced to the inexcusably high out of wedlock child birth rate, this is a minor one.
But they are related.
How sad and shameful it is, that so many kids don't know their fathers in America.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Where Have You Gone, Jack Tatum?

Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Going After The Wrong Guy
From where I sit on the Stoop they are going after the wrong USC Heisman Trophy winning running back.
Reggie Bush took money. OJ Simpson beheaded two people.
I don't know what the NCAA field manual says, but somehow, I think what OJ did is worse.
But here is a possible solution:
If they insist on taking Bush's Heisman, why don't they give it to Fred Goldman?
OJ was found liable for the wrongful death of Goldman's son, and the $38 million dollar judgment has not been satisfied.
Give Goldman the trophy, he can sell it to satisfy a small part of the judgment, and when OJ gets out, he can continue his quest to find the real killer.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Not Who They Say They Are
That's NY Jet Antonio Cromartie reacting to Darrelle Revis signing his new contract.
The Jets already have the fake LT (Ladainian Tomlinson) and now that got football's MJ?
Revis ain't Jordan, and Cromartie is not Pippen-he is Shawn Kemp.
As for Tomlinson, they should sell his fake LT memorabilia down on Canal Street; it will fit right in with the fugazy watches and handbags.
He Would Know
Early & Often
Monday, September 6, 2010
It's Over Johnny
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Please Be Quiet While They Beat The Shit Out Of One Another
They asked the president if he had any opinion about the U.S. Open and he said, " it's never been more open. Fuc*k Arizona."
Friday, September 3, 2010
He Has Always Been About The Green
Did you see this story on Jesse Jackson?
Detroit’s Channel 7 reports that the Reverend’s Caddy Escalade SUV was stolen and stripped of its wheels while he was in town last weekend with the UAW’s militant President Bob King leading the “Jobs, Justice, and Peace” march promoting government-funded green jobs.
Read that again: Jackson’s Caddy SUV was stripped while he was in town promoting green jobs.
How awesome.
While the good Reverend was preaching the virtues of "do as I say, not as I do" outside there was a little redistribution of the wealth going on.
Jesse takes the cake.
They may have stripped his car, but Jesse stripped himself of any decency long ago.
From the fake MLK died in my arms story, to the shakedown of corporations unless and until they donated to his organizations, to the kid he had with his mistress, to his hymietown remarks, the man is a moral and ethical disgrace.
But he is a man incapable of shame.
And we are a nation unwilling to shun him.
Here is an excerpt from Jesse's green speech:
We need an economy that creates employment that can't be shipped overseas., Home-grown American labor will be installing windmills and solar panels. A green economy is not an abstract concept.”
Maybe they used the money they got from stripping Jesse's gas guzzler to buy windmills for downtown Detroit.
And maybe the windmill company they start will grow prosperous.
And if it does, they can expect Jesse to come knocking for a donation.
And that my friends, will be the ultimate form of liberal recycling.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Matthews: Obama Needs To "Get Rid Of That Damn Teleprompter"
You would think you would sooner see a Yankee announcer criticize Jeter the tax cheater than see MSNBC (Mostly Showing Nothing But Commies) hack-host Chris Matthews chastise the Condescender in Chief. But even a water carrier like Matthews finds it hard to watch the monotonal grocery- list delivery that is the trademark of every Obama speech.
Just once, someone should slip some Wu Tang Clan lyrics into the Teleprompter and see how long he can go without catching on.
Ape Man