Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Smile For The Birdy...

OBAMA, NO PHOTOS OF OSAMA: 'We don't need to spike the football'...

Wanting to see the photos is not spiking the football, its more like looking at the replay to confirm that the touchdown actually occurred.  Do we have the right to see the photos?  Of course we do. 

When it came to Abu Ghraib, the hard left said "we have a right to know" but when it comes to the murder of Bin Laden, an enemy of historic proportions, they tell us we don't have a right at all. The lesson: pictures that will embarrass our military should be distributed wide and far; pictures that will confirm one of the greatest accomplishments in American military history must be hidden away from the public view.

You can't underestimate how big a deal this is.  Bid Laden is our generation's Hitler.  Show the pics....

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