Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I Asked For It

On the Stoop, I pride myself on verbal dexterity and being able to verbally spar with people and have a quick comeback to any/all remarks.

But the other day, I left my self wide open.

I was talking to a friend whose social calendar is always fully booked. Weddings, baptisms, etc. The man would go to the opening of a supermarket if he were invited.

So on Friday, I asked him what he was doing that weekend.

He told me about a wedding he was attending, and I replied that because of the radical judge in California, he may be going to some gay weddings soon.

"Yeah, yours!" was he rapid reply.

It was like it was 1987 and I was fighting Mike Tyson, and I decided to lead with my head.

And he hit me good.

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